viernes, 6 de abril de 2012

Extra grammar

Let's have fun with grammar!

Have you ever listened to the song I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For by the band U2? We are going to use this song to practice the main grammatical point of the unit: Present Perfect.

For doing so, you must listen to the song by clicking on this video.

1) Complete the gaps in the lyrics.

“I Still Ha­ven't Found What I'm Loo­king For” by U2      

I ________________________ the highest mountains         
I _______________ through the fields
Only to be with you

I __________, I ­­­__________________
I _________________ these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you

But I __________________________________what I'm looking __________
I  ______________________ honey lips
________________ the healing of finger tips
It _______________ like fire
This burning ____________

I have spoke* with the _______ of angels (*correct form: "spo­ken")
I _____________the hand of the devil
It was _________in the night
I'm ___________________________ a stone
But I __________________________________what I'm _______________________

I _______________ in kingdom come
And all the colors __________________ into _______
Yes, I'm _________________________
You ____________ the bonds
You loosed* the _________________         (*correct form: "loosened")         
You __________________ the cross
Of my ________________
You know that I _________________________
But __________________________________________________________________

2) As you listen to the song, write down your answers to the following questions:
1. What exactly do you think the singer is “looking for”? 
2. Who is the “you” that he is singing to?
3. What exam­ples of imagery do you no­ti­ce?
4. What do you know about the Irish band U2?

In order to answer this activity, send to our email address ( a document with your answers.
What do you think about the song? Was it too difficult for you? Add your comments!!

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